Concertos Reportagens

Noite de punk com Perrito Caliente e Conan Castro and the Moonshine Piñatas no Village Underground em Lisboa

No passado sábado o Village Underground em Lisboa recebeu pela mão da Ride The Snake garage-rock à moda do Barreiro e de Léon, o mesmo é dizer, Conan Castro and the Moonshine Piñatas e Perrito Caliente. Quase duas horas de concertos sempre a abrir, primeiro com os barreirenses, depois com a banda de Castela e Leão, animaram a sala lisboeta com cerca de metade da sua lotação ocupada. O nosso fotógrafo Luis Sousa também esteve por lá, mostra-nos como aconteceu.


  • 20230211 - Conan Castro and the Moonshine Piñatas @ Village Undergound Lisboa
  • 20230211 - Conan Castro and the Moonshine Piñatas @ Village Undergound Lisboa
  • 20230211 - Conan Castro and the Moonshine Piñatas @ Village Undergound Lisboa
  • 20230211 - Conan Castro and the Moonshine Piñatas @ Village Undergound Lisboa
  • 20230211 - Conan Castro and the Moonshine Piñatas @ Village Undergound Lisboa
  • 20230211 - Conan Castro and the Moonshine Piñatas @ Village Undergound Lisboa
  • 20230211 - Conan Castro and the Moonshine Piñatas @ Village Undergound Lisboa
  • 20230211 - Conan Castro and the Moonshine Piñatas @ Village Undergound Lisboa


  • 20230211 - Perrito Caliente @ Village Undergound Lisboa
  • 20230211 - Perrito Caliente @ Village Undergound Lisboa
  • 20230211 - Perrito Caliente @ Village Undergound Lisboa
  • 20230211 - Perrito Caliente @ Village Undergound Lisboa
  • 20230211 - Perrito Caliente @ Village Undergound Lisboa
  • 20230211 - Perrito Caliente @ Village Undergound Lisboa
  • 20230211 - Perrito Caliente @ Village Undergound Lisboa
  • 20230211 - Perrito Caliente @ Village Undergound Lisboa
  • 20230211 - Perrito Caliente @ Village Undergound Lisboa
  • 20230211 - Perrito Caliente @ Village Undergound Lisboa
  • 20230211 - Perrito Caliente @ Village Undergound Lisboa
  • 20230211 - Perrito Caliente @ Village Undergound Lisboa